Passing variables between GUI and function to be executed

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I am trying to pass inputs from a UI styler (the GUI) to a function to be executed. The GUI is used to select a xls file and specified a tab in this xls. This works fine.

In the apply_cb() function I have

xlFileNameToOpen = nativeFileBrowser0.GetProperties.GetString("Path")
If xlFileNameToOpen = "" Then
theNXMessageBox.Show(theNXMessageBoxTitle, NXMessageBox.DialogType.Error, "Excel file to use is not specified")
errorCode = 1
theLW.WriteLine ("Excel file to process: "& xlFileNameToOpen)
End If

xlSheetNameToUse = strTabSelect.GetProperties.GetString("Value")
If xlSheetNameToUse = "" Then
theNXMessageBox.Show(theNXMessageBoxTitle, NXMessageBox.DialogType.Error, "Tab to use is not specified")
errorCode = 1
theLW.WriteLine ("Tab to use in supplied file: "& xlSheetNameToUse)
End if

' Proceed if everything is OK
If errorCode = 0 Then GetOnWithIt()

where GetOnWithIt() is the function to be executed and uses variables xlFileNameToOpen & xlSheetNameToUse
the 2 variables are defined as follows in the Public Class theGUI
Public Shared xlFileNameToOpen As String
Public Shared xlSheetNameToUse As String



Looks like by doing the following works

In the function GetOnWithIt(), define the following variables

Dim xlFileNameToOpen As String = MyGUI.XlsFileSelected
Dim xlSheetNameToUse As String = MyGUI.TabSelected

and in the Public Class MyGUI, function apply_cb() define the following

XlsFileSelected = nativeFileBrowser0.GetProperties.GetString("Path")
If XlsFileSelected= "" Then
theNXMessageBox.Show(theNXMessageBoxTitle, NXMessageBox.DialogType.Error, "Excel file to use is not specified")
errorCode = 1
theLW.WriteLine ("Excel file to process: "& XlsFileSelected)
End If

TabSelected = strTabSelect.GetProperties.GetString("Value")
If TabSelected = "" Then
theNXMessageBox.Show(theNXMessageBoxTitle, NXMessageBox.DialogType.Error, "Tab to use is not specified")
errorCode = 1
theLW.WriteLine ("Tab to use in supplied file: "& TabSelected)
End if

' Proceed if everything is OK
If errorCode = 0 Then GetOnWithIt()
