Setting NX Toolbar SelectionScope Filter

There is quite a bit of code on the forum (including a tutorial) about setting Selection Scope while in a SelectObject function. For those of us who use the Blockstyler, there are several selection types that include the "MaximumScope" setting which gives you the ability to set the Selection Scope filter (Entire Assembly, Within Work Part Only, and Within Work Part and Components) for the given block. Some of them, irritatingly enough, do not include "MaximumScope" as an option which causes the user to manually switch selection scope every time they use the program.

Various NX commands will allow you to manually set the Selection Scope while inside the command. I have tried recording the filter changes both outside of a command and inside a command but the action does not seem to be (journal) recordable. The log file reports a "TBR COMBO UG_SEL_SCOPE_FILTER" followed by an enum for output.

How do I set the Selection Scope filter as a standalone function with the API?