write into attributes

I have a filter that returns tags of some entities. I want to assign cetain texts to their attributes. Is there any example that shows how to perform this?

Once you have an object to work with, setting an attribute is fairly easy:

myObject.SetUserAttribute(attributeTitle, -1, attributeValue, Update.Option.Now)


  • "attributeTitle" is a string value that represents the name of the attribute
  • -1 indicates this will not be an array of attributes. If you want to create an array of related attributes, enter the array index instead of -1.
  • "attributeValue" is the value of the attribute. The type of the value passed in will determine the type of attribute created (string, integer, etc).
  • Finally, enter the update option (now or later). If you use the "later" option, you should call the .DoUpdate method before your code exits.