Solving a system of equations through NXOpen code

I need to solve a system of equations.

As NX does not have a native solver, I want to use numerics. I downloaded the nuget package and extracted the contents.
So I tried this basic code.

Option explicit Off

Imports System
Imports NXOpen
Imports NXOpen.UF
Imports NXOpen.Assemblies
Imports system.math
Imports MathNet.Numerics.RootFinding
Module Express
Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim workPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Work
Dim theUfSession As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession()
Dim theUI As UI = UI.GetUI()

Sub Main()

Dim f As Func(Of Double, Double) = Function(x) 2*x^2 - 2*x - 2

a=Bisection.FindRoot(f, 0, 2) ' returns 1.61803398874989

Bisection.FindRoot(f, -2, 0) ' returns -0.618033988749895

'end if

end sub
end module

But the solver can not find the dll
How do I refer to the dll ?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.


If you have an NX .net author license, you would add a reference to the DLL in your project, add the signing resource, and compile. However, if you do not have an author license and you are running the code as a journal, you cannot reference other DLL files. This is a limitation of running journals; more info can be found in the NX help under the programmer's guide.

The good news is that if bisection works for you, it is fairly easy to code your own version (or borrow someone else's code). If you have a system of linear equations, the usual method is to write them in matrix form and use a routine to invert the matrix. Some search terms to get started with systems of linear equations are: L-U decomposition, Gauss-Siedel, Gauss-Jordan, etc.

Thanks so much for the response. Turns out I do have the author license so I installed Visual Studio and referenced the numerics.
Although bisection did not work, but Newton Ralphson solver worked fine...