Remove special characters

Hello Everyone,

I have assembly with more than 1500 parts but with special characters like (-,+,?,$, ,.,ü,ä,ö). How can I remove those characters from all parts and sub assembly.

Thanks in advance.

Where do these special characters show up? Are they in the part file name, part attributes, component names, or something else? What problem are you having because of these special characters?

thanks for your reply. Yes they are in the part file name. I used the option save as but for 1500 parts that will be hard work. I need a program to determinate every special charachters in the parts or assembly.

How should these characters be handled? Remove them or replace them with a different character?

The following thread has some code from GTAC that shows how to do a "save-as" on an entire assembly. It can be modified to rename the parts, but the comments in the header indicate that it may be easier to clone the assembly if you need to rename the files.

The following article is from another user on NXJournaling, it clones the assembly to a new location; but I don't think it renames the files. Perhaps it could be modified to meet your needs.

the characters in the part file name should be removed or if it's not possible replaced with "_"
the first example is very good but after the rename or replace action.