NX SNAP opening assembly parts


New to SNAP, Trying to open all the parts in an assembly;

For Each child As NX.Component In children


InfoWindow.WriteLine(child.Name.ToString & " : Leaf : " & child.IsLeaf.ToString)
InfoWindow.WriteLine(child.Name.ToString & " : Hidden : " & child.IsHidden.ToString)
InfoWindow.WriteLine(child.Name.ToString & " : NXOpenTag : " & child.NXOpenTag.ToString)
InfoWindow.WriteLine(child.Name.ToString & " : FullPath : " & child.Prototype.FullPath.ToString)
InfoWindow.WriteLine(child.Name.ToString & " : Prototype.NXOpenTag : " & _ child.Prototype.NXOpenTag.ToString)


I get results for everything except for prototype. Which crashes the program when a part is not loaded.

The error message : "Input tag is NXOpen.Tag.Null"

I need to know how to make sure all the parts in the assembly is loaded and how to avoid crashing the program if a part was not loaded. I tried by getting the NXOpen.Tag value. but refering to the prototype causes same problem.

Anyone knows how to get this information with having the user opening the assembly first?

Thanks in advance


Below is the overall code structure that I use to determine if a component is loaded or not.

Private Function LoadComponent(ByVal theComponent As Component) As Boolean

Dim thePart As Part = theComponent.Prototype.OwningPart

If thePart.IsFullyLoaded Then
'component is fully loaded

'component is partially loaded

End If

Catch ex As NullReferenceException
'component is not loaded

End Try

Thanks for the lead;
intellisense tells me that "Owning part is not a member of Snap.NX.PART"

I found this "Dim thePart As Part = theComponent.OwningComponent" but it said it cant convert this to NX.Snap.Part

Where am I going wrong this time?

Thanks in advance


I should have mentioned that the code above isn't using a reference to the SNAP library. If you are using SNAP, you should fully qualify your variable declarations to avoid "namespace clashes". Instead of
Dim thePart as Part...
use the following:
Dim thePart as NXOpen.Part...

Use the fully qualified name of any variable type that is used in both the NXOpen and SNAP libraries.