Legacy Measure Distance Command

Siemens adopted their "new" measuring tool a long time ago now but I still get a lot of guys complaining about it and pining for the old "Measure Distance" command to be brought back. As an admin I get the question "Is there any way you can bring back the old measuring command?" every time I meet with my user base.

In doing some brief research it looks like Siemens stopped the "to be retired" version of the command sometime after NX12 leaving the new command to be the only option. I did some looking, on this forum and others, thinking that someone has taken the time to recreate the old command given how much the new one seems to be loathed but I haven't come up with anything. Before I go building this for myself, has anyone seen recreated "Measure Distance" script out there?

I don't know of any measure distance replacement out there.

I understand your users' reluctance to use the new one; I found it a bit cumbersome at first. However, after a week or so of use, I got used to it and appreciate the new functionality it brings.

Out of curiosity, have you tried the new sketcher yet? I've been tinkering (non-production work) with it for months and I still don't like it.

I also took the time to get used to it when I was an SME. Although, I still prefer legacy. The idea of the modern NX measuring system makes sense but I think the consolidation of the tools makes for a busy UI and somewhat overwhelming output. The simplicity of say Projected Distance returning a single value without worrying about messing up the input, grabbing the wrong value, etc is something I can sympathize with.

The bulk of my user base is in 2007 right now. I of course have that installed but I keep a copy of NX12 on my system as well to do my personal design work in. Sketch is one of those things that keeps me in 12. It seems, to me at least, that Siemens is trying to consolidate their tools much like the way other CAD platforms are setup. I spent a few years designing professionally in Creo and can personally attest to the lack of flexibility.

That to me is what makes NX such a user friendly platform though. When I'm modeling off from some nightmare surfacing that was translated in from god knows where, I like the fact that if my first plan of attack fails I have a dozen other things to try.