Hi all!
I am looking at a procedure to convert a JT file to another standard format. But when I open a JT file exported from NX, then it is not clear and it seems to be encrypted.

Does anybody have an idea about this? Thank you very much.

I rarely use the JT format. When I needed to convert them, I imported the JT file into NX and use the export functionality to convert to the format that I needed.

However, I suspect that you want to write your own software to convert the files. The file that you opened is likely a binary JT file. The good news is that the JT format is a published specification; the specification will describe the file contents and how to interpret it.

The wikipedia page has some info about the JT format and has links to the specification.

The JT file spec was also posted on the Siemens forum as a knowledge base article:

I'm not sure of the specifics, but I think that Siemens sells an API to work with JT files.