Interactive selection function with Smart Selection, Method connected edges

Hello All

I need to use "connected edge" method which is a smart selection. This option is available when you are using Simple Radiation to Environment BC in simulation. I want to have a function which stores all the user selected edges in a NxObject().

I know that Selection.SelectionType will give me the Type filter (Polygon Edge).
Is there anything similar which will let me access the Method "connected edges"?.

I have looked at CAE.SmartSelectionManager but i am unable to figure this out. I had used something like this earlier to store user selected features.

Function SelectObjectsL0(promptL0 As String, ByRef selObjL0 As NXObject()) As Selection.Response

Dim theUIL0 As UI = UI.GetUI

Dim typeArrayL0() As Selection.SelectionType = {Selection.SelectionType.Body}

Dim respL0 As Selection.Response = theUIL0.SelectionManager.SelectObjects(promptL0, "Select Solid Bodies for Linking", Selection.SelectionScope.AnyInAssembly, False, typeArrayL0, selObjL0)


If respL0 = Selection.Response.ObjectSelected Or

respL0 = Selection.Response.ObjectSelectedByName Or

respL0 = Selection.Response.Ok Then

Return Selection.Response.Ok


Return Selection.Response.Cancel

End If

End Function