How to make an Associative Measurement Feature


I am trying to make a measurement measurement feature from absolute origin to a face of a component in the assembly.

The measurement feature is created in the top assembly.

I am trying to use MeasureDistance to achieve.

the method is workpart.measuremanager.newdistance(unit,measuretype,object1,object2)

object is a "point" type. It is the absolutely origin.
object is a "face" type. It is a face of a component in the assembly.

my question is how am I suppose to find this "face" in the assembly?
How can I make abs origin as my first oject? This point donest really exist.

Please help. I appreciate it.

You can create a point object at the origin for your own use, it does not have to be visible in the graphics window. For an example, try recording a journal while creating an associative measure feature; for the first object, use the point constructor for the first object (use the absolute reference).

I assume you want the journal code to find the face without any user intervention, is this correct?
If so, one way to do it would be to assign a custom name or attribute to the desired face. The journal code could then iterate through the component faces looking for the given name/attribute.