How can I play a journal automaticly when NX start?

Hello all again,

Is there a way to play/work a journal automaticly at NX software startup? I have been searching for it and couldn't find a proper solution. Due to security reasons, there are some limitations with my computer and I can't "save as default" my assembly load options. So I wanted to prepare a journal (or alternative way can be a macro) and to make it work automaticly at start. So I think I can fake it like I saved it as default...

If you are using a "stock" NX setup, the load options are saved in the NX install directory tree somewhere. Often, you won't have write access to this location. However, you can tell NX to load a file from a location that you do have write access to - see this thread on eng-tips:

If you'd like to run your code when NX starts up, you can use the USER_STARTUP user exit.