Getting sheet information for currently displayed sheet

I am having difficulties in creating length and height variables for the currently viewed drawing sheet. Is there a way to "convert" a Tag to a form that can be used to get a .length? I have tried using sheet in place of dwgSheet, but I get an error about it being a tag. Or is there a different way to define the Drawings.DrawingSheet for the currently viewed sheet?


'Get current sheet
Dim sheet As Tag
theUfSession.Draw.AskCurrentDrawing (sheet)

'Get sheet dimensions
Dim dwgSheet As Drawings.DrawingSheet

Dim shtHeight As Double
Dim shtLength As Double
shtLength = dwgSheet.Length
shtHeight = dwgSheet.Height


Nevermind....This works for my purposes...

'Get current sheet
Dim sheet As Tag
theUfSession.Draw.AskCurrentDrawing (sheet)

'Get sheet dimensions
Dim dwgSheet As Drawings.DrawingSheet
dwgSheet = workPart.DrawingSheets().CurrentDrawingSheet

Dim shtHeight As Double
Dim shtLength As Double
shtLength = dwgSheet.Length
shtHeight = dwgSheet.Height