Export from assembly drafting to .dxf .dwg with each part be each block in .dxf (.dwg ) file

I have a question is when i Export from assembly drafting to .dxf .dwg i want each part in assembly will separator each block in .dxf (.dwg ) file, can NX solve this issue?

Please some one can help me.

I'm not entirely sure what you are asking for. It sounds like you have an assembly drawing and you want to export each part to a separate DXF file?

Thank you for your reponsible, i mean i create an assembly drafting, that mean all parts show in drafing, and then i export to AutoCAD, i repect is will be each part is a block on CAD Drawing, so that when i select one, i will get all feature of that part i selected.

The short version:
I don't know of a way to get the component views directly translated to AutoCAD blocks.

It has been years since I last used AutoCAD; if I remember it correctly, the closest equivalent to an AutoCAD block entity in NX would be the "custom symbol". Two issues come to mind:
1) I don't know if custom symbols get translated directly to block entities.
2) Even if they are, there is no practical method to convert component drafting views to custom symbols.

Hopefully, someone with a good idea will post.