Edit Expressions, Update Model, Export Characteristics

I'm exploring the capabilities of NX journals, and to be completely frank, I don't know visual basic or the syntax of journals, but I wanted to see if I could get a general explanation, if not any actual code, to see if what I want to do is even possible before I dive down the rabbit hole. Essentially, I would like to be able to programmatically change expression values in a part within an assembly, update the assembly (including the other parts) to reflect the changes, measure mass, cg, and inertia properties of the assembly, and export those numbers to some sort of file, be it excel or .txt. Is this something NX journals can do with relative ease, can it be done with difficulty, or is it impossible/impractical? Any help you can provide is appreciated, and please forgive my ignorance on the topic.

The good news is that everything that you listed is possible with journals. How easy it will be largely depends on your experience with your programming language of choice and the NXOpen API. Below are some links to some example code that you might find useful:

change expression value, report new values:

mass properties of a selected component: