Easy Material Weight Management - Component Weight Transfer - Part 4

Component Weight Transfer

In the Modeling environment/Main Assembly, this journal transfers weight information (weight attribute - EW_Body_Weight) from solid bodies to components. Summarizes all component weights to assign a Total Assembly Weight attribute to the Main Assembly, excluding weights of underlying components. To be used exclusively with the original - EW_Material_12mm Plywood. When you assign one of NX's built-in materials, this function occurs natively.

Main thread:

' Journal desciption: In the Modeling environment/Main Assembly, this journal transfers weight information (weight attribute - EW_Body_Weight) from solid bodies to components. Summarizes all component weights to assign a Total Assembly Weight attribute to the Main Assembly, excluding weights of underlying components.
' Shared on NXJournaling.com
' Written in VB.Net
' Tested on Siemens NX 2212 and 2306, Native and Teamcenter 13
' V100 - Initial Release - November 2023
' V101 - Minor changes in output window, Unit system support

Option Strict Off
Imports System
Imports NXOpen
Imports NXOpen.UF
Imports NXOpen.Assemblies
Imports System.Collections.Generic

Module NXJournal
Public theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Public ufs As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession()
Public lw As ListingWindow = theSession.ListingWindow
Public unitString As String = "Kg"
Public totalAssemblyWeight As Double = 0
Public numberOfComponents As Integer = 0
Public numberOfSolidBodies As Integer = 0

Sub Main()
Dim dispPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Display
Dim bodyAttribute As String = "EW_Body_Weight"
Dim markId1 As NXOpen.Session.UndoMarkId
markId1 = theSession.SetUndoMark(NXOpen.Session.MarkVisibility.Visible, "Weight Transfer")

Dim part1 As Part = theSession.Parts.Work
lw.WriteLine("EasyWeight - Component Weight Transfer Version: 1.01 NXJ")
lw.WriteLine(" ")
lw.WriteLine(" ")
Dim currentTime as String = Now().ToString()
lw.WriteLine("The program started precisely at " & currentTime)
lw.WriteLine("User: " & (Environ$("Username")))
lw.WriteLine(" ")

' Evaluate the main assembly for body weights
lw.WriteLine(" - Main Assembly: ")
lw.WriteLine(" " & part1.Name)

' Perform the unit check on the main assembly
If part1.PartUnits = BasePart.Units.Inches Then
unitString = "lbm"
lw.WriteLine(" Unit System: Imperial (Pound)")
unitString = "kg"
lw.WriteLine(" Unit System: Metric (Kilogram)")
End If
FindBody(part1.ComponentAssembly.RootComponent, bodyAttribute)

Dim c As ComponentAssembly = part1.ComponentAssembly
Walk(c.RootComponent, 0, bodyAttribute)

' Set and display the total assembly weight, component count, and solid bodies count
lw.WriteLine(" ")
lw.WriteLine(" ")
lw.WriteLine("We're all set, so now it's time to check upon the results:")
lw.WriteLine(" ")
'lw.WriteLine("Number of Components counted: " & numberOfComponents)
'lw.WriteLine(" ")
'lw.WriteLine("The count of ")
'lw.WriteLine("Subassemblies and Components emerges as follows: " & numberOfComponents)
'lw.WriteLine("Number of Solid Bodies counted: " & numberOfSolidBodies)
lw.WriteLine(" - The tally of Solid Bodies with Weight: " & numberOfSolidBodies)
lw.WriteLine(" ")
lw.WriteLine(" - And the grand sum of our ")
lw.WriteLine(" Total Assembly Weight shall be: " & totalAssemblyWeight & " " & unitString)
lw.WriteLine(" ")
lw.WriteLine("For easy recall of all this vital data, simply visit any ")
lw.WriteLine(" Component / Properties / Attributes")
part1.SetUserAttribute("Total_Assembly_WEIGHT", -1, totalAssemblyWeight, Update.Option.Now)

Catch e As Exception
lw.WriteLine("Failed: " & e.ToString())
lw.WriteLine("But here's the good news: ")
lw.WriteLine("Kenny's still alive ")
lw.WriteLine(" ___ ")
lw.WriteLine(" / _ \ ")
lw.WriteLine(" | / \ | ")
lw.WriteLine(" | |""| | ")
lw.WriteLine(" \ X / ")
lw.WriteLine(" /`---'\ ")
lw.WriteLine(" O'_|_`O ")
lw.WriteLine(" -- -- ")
' Define a new PartLoadStatus object
Dim partLoadStatus2 As PartLoadStatus = Nothing

' Reset to main assembly
theSession.Parts.SetWorkComponent(Nothing, PartCollection.RefsetOption.Current, PartCollection.WorkComponentOption.Visible, partLoadStatus2)

' Dispose the PartLoadStatus object if it's not null
If partLoadStatus2 IsNot Nothing Then
End If

End Try
End Sub

Sub Walk(c As Component, level As Integer, myBodyAttribute As String)
Dim children As Component() = c.GetChildren()

For Each child As Component In children

' Attempt to get the part name from the component's prototype.
Dim partName As String
If child.Prototype IsNot Nothing Then
partName = CType(child.Prototype, Part).Name
partName = "Unnamed Part" ' Fallback in case the prototype or name isn't accessible
End If

lw.WriteLine(" - Sub Part: ")
lw.WriteLine(" " & partName)
FindBody(child, myBodyAttribute)
Walk(child, level + 1, myBodyAttribute)
numberOfComponents += 1
End Sub

Sub FindBody(myComp As Component, myBodyAttribute As String)
Dim partLoadStatus1 As PartLoadStatus = Nothing
theSession.Parts.SetWorkComponent(myComp, PartCollection.RefsetOption.Current, PartCollection.WorkComponentOption.Visible, partLoadStatus1)

Dim workPart As Part
If TypeOf myComp.Prototype Is Part Then
workPart = CType(myComp.Prototype, Part)
workPart = theSession.Parts.Work
End If


Dim myBodyWeight As String
Dim totalWeight As Double = 0
Dim found As Boolean = False

For Each myBody As Body In workPart.Bodies
myBodyWeight = myBody.GetStringAttribute(myBodyAttribute)

' Validate that myBodyWeight is not null or empty
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(myBodyWeight) Then
Dim currentWeight As Double = 0
If Double.TryParse(myBodyWeight, currentWeight) Then
totalWeight += currentWeight
found = True
lw.WriteLine("Failed to decipher the weight value for this body: " & myBodyWeight)
End If
lw.WriteLine("In a most peculiar twist, the Body attribute is null or,")
lw.WriteLine("one might say, as empty as deep space.")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

If found Then
totalWeight = Math.Round(totalWeight, 6)
lw.WriteLine(" Total Solid Body Weight: " & totalWeight & " " & unitString)
'lw.WriteLine(" ")
' Cast the prototype to a part
Dim compPart As Part = TryCast(myComp.Prototype, Part)

' Set the attribute if the casting was successful
If compPart IsNot Nothing Then
compPart.SetUserAttribute("Component_WEIGHT", -1, totalWeight, Update.Option.Now)
End If

' Update global variables
totalAssemblyWeight += totalWeight
'numberOfComponents += 1
numberOfSolidBodies += workPart.Bodies.ToArray().Length
lw.WriteLine("Couldn't locate the required weight information. ")
'lw.WriteLine("In this precise section, we've found ourselves disappointingly empty-handed.")
'lw.WriteLine("If this wasn't your intention, kindly read back and review our starting point.")
End If

If partLoadStatus1 IsNot Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
End Module

Go to Part 5