Datum Zone Of First Instance of Each Datum


below is code which is available in this site for getting zone of drafting datum,

suppose The output will be like

Datum : A
Sheet number : 3
Zone: A10

Datum : A
Sheet number : 2
Zone: A1

Datum : A
Sheet number : 1
Zone: B12


How to get zone for only first occurrence of each datum

Datum : A
Sheet number : 1
Zone: B12

Datum : B
Sheet number : 2
Zone: C5

Datum : C
Sheet number : 1
Zone: D7


Can you please help me in getting zone of first occurrence of each datum, Thanks in Advance,

Below is code :

Option Strict Off
Imports System
Imports NXOpen
Imports NXOpen.UF

Module Module5

Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim theUfSession As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession

Sub Main()

If IsNothing(theSession.Parts.Work) Then
'active part required
End If

Dim workPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Work
Dim lw As ListingWindow = theSession.ListingWindow

For Each temp As NXObject In theSession.Parts.Work.Gdts
'lw.WriteLine(" type: " & temp.GetType.ToString)
If TypeOf (temp) Is Annotations.DraftingDatum Then
Dim myDraftingDatum As Annotations.DraftingDatum = temp
Dim myDraftingDatumZone As New NXJSheetZoneInfo
myDraftingDatumZone = ReportAnnotationSheetZone(AskDrawingSheet(myDraftingDatum), myDraftingDatum)
lw.WriteLine("Datum: " & myDraftingDatum.Label)
lw.WriteLine("Sheet number: " & myDraftingDatumZone.Sheet)
lw.WriteLine("Zone: " & myDraftingDatumZone.VerticalZone & myDraftingDatumZone.HorizontalZone)
End If


End Sub

Function AskDrawingSheet(ByVal theObject As TaggedObject) As Drawings.DrawingSheet
'Code written by Amy Webster of GTAC
' see nx_api4936 or nx_api4937
' This function will work for:
' an object which "Resides on drawing" or is "View Dependent In" a DraftingView
' a DraftingView
' a DrawingSheet.View
' Returns Nothing for all other (ie. model mode) objects

Dim theView As View = TryCast(theObject, View)
If Not theView Is Nothing Then
Dim sheetTag As Tag = Nothing
theUfSession.Draw.AskDrawingOfView(theView.Tag, sheetTag)
Return Utilities.NXObjectManager.Get(sheetTag) ' the drawing it is on
Catch ex As NXException
Return Nothing ' it is a model view
End Try
End If

Dim viewName As String = Nothing
Dim status As Integer = Nothing
theUfSession.View.AskViewDependentStatus(theObject.Tag, status, viewName)
Catch ex As NXException
Return Nothing
End Try
If status = 0 Then Return Nothing ' it is a model mode object

Dim viewTag As Tag = Nothing
theUfSession.View.AskTagOfViewName(viewName, viewTag)
Dim viewType As Integer = Nothing
Dim viewSubtype As Integer = Nothing
theUfSession.View.AskType(viewTag, viewType, viewSubtype)
If viewType = 0 Then Return Nothing ' it is view dependent in a modeling view

Dim drawingTag As Tag = Nothing
theUfSession.Draw.AskDrawingOfView(viewTag, drawingTag)
Return Utilities.NXObjectManager.Get(drawingTag) ' the drawing it is on!

End Function

Function ReportAnnotationSheetZone(ByVal theSheet As Drawings.DrawingSheet, ByVal theAnnotation As Annotations.Annotation) As NXJSheetZoneInfo

Dim info As New NXJSheetZoneInfo

Dim borderBuilder As Drawings.BordersAndZonesBuilder

If IsNothing(theSheet.BordersAndZones) Then
Return Nothing
End If

borderBuilder = theSession.Parts.Work.Drafting.BordersAndZonesObjects.CreateBordersAndZonesBuilder(theSheet.BordersAndZones)

Dim numHorizontalZones As Integer = (theSheet.Length - borderBuilder.LeftMargin - borderBuilder.RightMargin) / borderBuilder.HorizontalSize
Dim numVerticalZones As Integer = (theSheet.Height - borderBuilder.BottomMargin - borderBuilder.TopMargin) / borderBuilder.VerticalSize

'calculate zone wrt bottom left of drawing (ZoneOrigin.BottomLeft)
Dim Hcell As Double = (theAnnotation.AnnotationOrigin.X - borderBuilder.LeftMargin) / borderBuilder.HorizontalSize
Dim Vcell As Double = (theAnnotation.AnnotationOrigin.Y - borderBuilder.BottomMargin) / borderBuilder.VerticalSize

Hcell = Math.Ceiling(Hcell)
Vcell = Math.Ceiling(Vcell)

Dim theZoneOrigin As Drawings.BordersAndZonesBuilder.ZoneOrigin = borderBuilder.Origin

Dim verticalLetterNum As Integer
Dim verticalLetter As Char

Dim horizontalNum As Integer

If theZoneOrigin = Drawings.BordersAndZonesBuilder.ZoneOrigin.BottomLeft Or theZoneOrigin = Drawings.BordersAndZonesBuilder.ZoneOrigin.TopLeft Then
'origin on left side
horizontalNum = Hcell
'origin on right side
horizontalNum = numHorizontalZones - Hcell + 1
End If

If theZoneOrigin = Drawings.BordersAndZonesBuilder.ZoneOrigin.BottomLeft Or theZoneOrigin = Drawings.BordersAndZonesBuilder.ZoneOrigin.BottomRight Then
'origin on bottom
verticalLetterNum = Asc("A") + Vcell - 1
verticalLetter = Chr(verticalLetterNum)

'origin on the top
verticalLetterNum = Asc("A") + numVerticalZones - Vcell
verticalLetter = Chr(verticalLetterNum)

End If

Dim theSheetNum As String = SheetNumber(theSheet)

info.Sheet = theSheetNum
info.VerticalZone = verticalLetter
info.HorizontalZone = horizontalNum

Return info

End Function

Function SheetNumber(ByVal theSheet As Drawings.DrawingSheet) As String

Dim sheetNum As Integer
Dim theSheetBuilder As Drawings.DrawingSheetBuilder = theSession.Parts.Work.DrawingSheets.DrawingSheetBuilder(theSheet)
sheetNum = theSheetBuilder.Number


Return sheetNum.ToString

End Function

Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer

'Unloads the image immediately after execution within NX
GetUnloadOption = NXOpen.Session.LibraryUnloadOption.Immediately

End Function

End Module

Public Class NXJSheetZoneInfo

Private _sheet As String = ""
Public Property Sheet() As String
Return _sheet
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_sheet = value
End Set
End Property

Private _horizontalZone As String = ""
Public Property HorizontalZone() As String
Return _horizontalZone
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_horizontalZone = value
End Set
End Property

Private _verticalZone As String = ""
Public Property VerticalZone() As String
Return _verticalZone
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_verticalZone = value
End Set
End Property

Public Sub New()

End Sub

End Class

Try the code below. It uses a dictionary object to group the datum labels together with their zone location info. It reports each datum and groups the locations it can be found (in alphabetical order - [sheet num/vertical zone/horizontal zone]). If you define the "first location" as the first one alphabetically, you only need to report the first location in each list. If you have a different definition, you will need to adjust the code accordingly.

'December 20, 2017
'Report the sheet zone of the GD&T datum features
'updated June 2, 2020
'create a dictionary object to hold the GD&T labels (key) and zone locations as a list (value)
'report locations of each label found, sorted alphabetically (sheetnum/vertical location/horizontal location)

Option Strict Off
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports NXOpen
Imports NXOpen.UF

Module Module6

Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim theUfSession As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession

Sub Main()

If IsNothing(theSession.Parts.Work) Then
'active part required
End If

Dim workPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Work
Dim lw As ListingWindow = theSession.ListingWindow

Dim dicDraftingDatums As New Dictionary(Of String, List(Of String))

For Each temp As NXObject In theSession.Parts.Work.Gdts
'lw.WriteLine(" type: " & temp.GetType.ToString)
If TypeOf (temp) Is Annotations.DraftingDatum Then
Dim myDraftingDatum As Annotations.DraftingDatum = temp
Dim myDraftingDatumZone As New NXJSheetZoneInfo
myDraftingDatumZone = ReportAnnotationSheetZone(AskDrawingSheet(myDraftingDatum), myDraftingDatum)
'lw.WriteLine("Datum: " & myDraftingDatum.Label)
'lw.WriteLine("Sheet number: " & myDraftingDatumZone.Sheet)
'lw.WriteLine("Zone: " & myDraftingDatumZone.VerticalZone & myDraftingDatumZone.HorizontalZone)
If dicDraftingDatums.ContainsKey(myDraftingDatum.Label) Then
'add zone info to the existing key
'add to dictionary
dicDraftingDatums.Add(myDraftingDatum.Label, New List(Of String)({myDraftingDatumZone.Zone}))
End If
End If

For Each pair As KeyValuePair(Of String, List(Of String)) In dicDraftingDatums
'mySheets.Sort(AddressOf CompareSheetNames)

lw.WriteLine(" Datum label: " & pair.Key & " [" & pair.Value.Count.ToString & " places]")
pair.Value.Sort(AddressOf CompareZones)
For Each temp As String In pair.Value
lw.WriteLine(" zone: " & temp)


End Sub

Function AskDrawingSheet(ByVal theObject As TaggedObject) As Drawings.DrawingSheet
'Code written by Amy Webster of GTAC
' see nx_api4936 or nx_api4937
' This function will work for:
' an object which "Resides on drawing" or is "View Dependent In" a DraftingView
' a DraftingView
' a DrawingSheet.View
' Returns Nothing for all other (ie. model mode) objects

Dim theView As View = TryCast(theObject, View)
If Not theView Is Nothing Then
Dim sheetTag As Tag = Nothing
theUfSession.Draw.AskDrawingOfView(theView.Tag, sheetTag)
Return Utilities.NXObjectManager.Get(sheetTag) ' the drawing it is on
Catch ex As NXException
Return Nothing ' it is a model view
End Try
End If

Dim viewName As String = Nothing
Dim status As Integer = Nothing
theUfSession.View.AskViewDependentStatus(theObject.Tag, status, viewName)
Catch ex As NXException
Return Nothing
End Try
If status = 0 Then Return Nothing ' it is a model mode object

Dim viewTag As Tag = Nothing
theUfSession.View.AskTagOfViewName(viewName, viewTag)
Dim viewType As Integer = Nothing
Dim viewSubtype As Integer = Nothing
theUfSession.View.AskType(viewTag, viewType, viewSubtype)
If viewType = 0 Then Return Nothing ' it is view dependent in a modeling view

Dim drawingTag As Tag = Nothing
theUfSession.Draw.AskDrawingOfView(viewTag, drawingTag)
Return Utilities.NXObjectManager.Get(drawingTag) ' the drawing it is on!

End Function

Function ReportAnnotationSheetZone(ByVal theSheet As Drawings.DrawingSheet, ByVal theAnnotation As Annotations.Annotation) As NXJSheetZoneInfo

Dim info As New NXJSheetZoneInfo

Dim borderBuilder As Drawings.BordersAndZonesBuilder

If IsNothing(theSheet.BordersAndZones) Then
Return Nothing
End If

borderBuilder = theSession.Parts.Work.Drafting.BordersAndZonesObjects.CreateBordersAndZonesBuilder(theSheet.BordersAndZones)

Dim numHorizontalZones As Integer = (theSheet.Length - borderBuilder.LeftMargin - borderBuilder.RightMargin) / borderBuilder.HorizontalSize
Dim numVerticalZones As Integer = (theSheet.Height - borderBuilder.BottomMargin - borderBuilder.TopMargin) / borderBuilder.VerticalSize

'calculate zone wrt bottom left of drawing (ZoneOrigin.BottomLeft)
Dim Hcell As Double = (theAnnotation.AnnotationOrigin.X - borderBuilder.LeftMargin) / borderBuilder.HorizontalSize
Dim Vcell As Double = (theAnnotation.AnnotationOrigin.Y - borderBuilder.BottomMargin) / borderBuilder.VerticalSize

Hcell = Math.Ceiling(Hcell)
Vcell = Math.Ceiling(Vcell)

Dim theZoneOrigin As Drawings.BordersAndZonesBuilder.ZoneOrigin = borderBuilder.Origin

Dim verticalLetterNum As Integer
Dim verticalLetter As Char

Dim horizontalNum As Integer

If theZoneOrigin = Drawings.BordersAndZonesBuilder.ZoneOrigin.BottomLeft Or theZoneOrigin = Drawings.BordersAndZonesBuilder.ZoneOrigin.TopLeft Then
'origin on left side
horizontalNum = Hcell
'origin on right side
horizontalNum = numHorizontalZones - Hcell + 1
End If

If theZoneOrigin = Drawings.BordersAndZonesBuilder.ZoneOrigin.BottomLeft Or theZoneOrigin = Drawings.BordersAndZonesBuilder.ZoneOrigin.BottomRight Then
'origin on bottom
verticalLetterNum = Asc("A") + Vcell - 1
verticalLetter = Chr(verticalLetterNum)

'origin on the top
verticalLetterNum = Asc("A") + numVerticalZones - Vcell
verticalLetter = Chr(verticalLetterNum)

End If

Dim theSheetNum As String = SheetNumber(theSheet)

info.Sheet = theSheetNum
info.VerticalZone = verticalLetter
info.HorizontalZone = horizontalNum.ToString
info.Zone = theSheetNum.ToString & verticalLetter & horizontalNum.ToString

Return info

End Function

Function SheetNumber(ByVal theSheet As Drawings.DrawingSheet) As String

Dim sheetNum As Integer
Dim theSheetBuilder As Drawings.DrawingSheetBuilder = theSession.Parts.Work.DrawingSheets.DrawingSheetBuilder(theSheet)
sheetNum = theSheetBuilder.Number


Return sheetNum.ToString

End Function

Private Function CompareZones(ByVal x As String, ByVal y As String) As Integer

'case-insensitive sort
Dim myStringComp As StringComparer = StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase

'for a case-sensitive sort (A-Z then a-z), change the above option to:
'Dim myStringComp As StringComparer = StringComparer.CurrentCulture

Return myStringComp.Compare(x, y)

End Function

Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer

'Unloads the image immediately after execution within NX
GetUnloadOption = NXOpen.Session.LibraryUnloadOption.Immediately

End Function

End Module

Public Class NXJSheetZoneInfo

Private _sheet As String = ""
Public Property Sheet() As String
Return _sheet
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_sheet = value
End Set
End Property

Private _horizontalZone As String = ""
Public Property HorizontalZone() As String
Return _horizontalZone
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_horizontalZone = value
End Set
End Property

Private _verticalZone As String = ""
Public Property VerticalZone() As String
Return _verticalZone
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_verticalZone = value
End Set
End Property

Private _zone As String
Public Property Zone() As String
Return _zone
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_zone = value
End Set
End Property

Public Sub New()

End Sub

End Class

Thank You so much, I will check this code

Big Thanks for sharing above code,
I need some more information from above code, i.e in above code line
dicDraftingDatums.Add(myDraftingDatum.Label, New List(Of String)({myDraftingDatumZone.Zone})) will add datum label and zone to dictionary and after sorting result will be like Datum Label: A [3 Places]
Zone : A10
Zone : C2
Zone : D4

This fine as sorting in Ascending Order of zone value But it is not considering sheet number, In above case Zone of Datum Label A is A10 in 8th sheet where as D4 is in First sheet, I need fist instance of Datum A first in sheet number ascending order then zone value in ascending order Ex Zone D4-4, A10-8, can you please help me in resolving above issue, Thanks In Advance

The code posted previously adds the sheet number as the first character of the zone information. You should not see "A10" or "D4", they should be "8A10" and "4D4". The code then sorts them alphabetically which should report the first sheet first in the list. However, if you have 10 or more sheets, you might get undesired sorting (such as "11" appearing before "2"). If this is the case, we'll need to change the code to do alphanumeric sorting.

Thanks for reply,
Yes I have more then 10 sheets, even up to 40 sheets, can you please help in alphanumeric sorting.

Here is a version that pads the number of sheets with leading zeroes, they should sort correctly.

'December 20, 2017
'Report the sheet zone of the GD&T datum features
'updated June 2, 2020
'create a dictionary object to hold the GD&T labels (key) and zone locations as a list (value)
'report locations of each label found, sorted alphabetically (sheetnum/vertical location/horizontal location)

Option Strict Off
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports NXOpen
Imports NXOpen.UF

Module Module6

Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim theUfSession As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession

Sub Main()

If IsNothing(theSession.Parts.Work) Then
'active part required
End If

Dim workPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Work
Dim lw As ListingWindow = theSession.ListingWindow

Dim dicDraftingDatums As New Dictionary(Of String, List(Of String))

'Dim strNumSheets As String = Strings.Right("000" & theSession.Parts.Work.DrawingSheets.ToArray.Length.ToString, 3)

For Each temp As NXObject In theSession.Parts.Work.Gdts
'lw.WriteLine(" type: " & temp.GetType.ToString)
If TypeOf (temp) Is Annotations.DraftingDatum Then
Dim myDraftingDatum As Annotations.DraftingDatum = temp
Dim myDraftingDatumZone As New NXJSheetZoneInfo
myDraftingDatumZone = ReportAnnotationSheetZone(AskDrawingSheet(myDraftingDatum), myDraftingDatum)
'lw.WriteLine("Datum: " & myDraftingDatum.Label)
'lw.WriteLine("Sheet number: " & myDraftingDatumZone.Sheet)
'lw.WriteLine("Zone: " & myDraftingDatumZone.VerticalZone & myDraftingDatumZone.HorizontalZone)
If dicDraftingDatums.ContainsKey(myDraftingDatum.Label) Then
'add zone info to the existing key
'add to dictionary
dicDraftingDatums.Add(myDraftingDatum.Label, New List(Of String)({myDraftingDatumZone.Zone}))
End If
End If

For Each pair As KeyValuePair(Of String, List(Of String)) In dicDraftingDatums
'mySheets.Sort(AddressOf CompareSheetNames)

lw.WriteLine(" Datum label: " & pair.Key & " [" & pair.Value.Count.ToString & " places]")
pair.Value.Sort(AddressOf CompareZones)
For Each temp As String In pair.Value
lw.WriteLine(" zone: " & temp)


End Sub

Function AskDrawingSheet(ByVal theObject As TaggedObject) As Drawings.DrawingSheet
'Code written by Amy Webster of GTAC
' see nx_api4936 or nx_api4937
' This function will work for:
' an object which "Resides on drawing" or is "View Dependent In" a DraftingView
' a DraftingView
' a DrawingSheet.View
' Returns Nothing for all other (ie. model mode) objects

Dim theView As View = TryCast(theObject, View)
If Not theView Is Nothing Then
Dim sheetTag As Tag = Nothing
theUfSession.Draw.AskDrawingOfView(theView.Tag, sheetTag)
Return Utilities.NXObjectManager.Get(sheetTag) ' the drawing it is on
Catch ex As NXException
Return Nothing ' it is a model view
End Try
End If

Dim viewName As String = Nothing
Dim status As Integer = Nothing
theUfSession.View.AskViewDependentStatus(theObject.Tag, status, viewName)
Catch ex As NXException
Return Nothing
End Try
If status = 0 Then Return Nothing ' it is a model mode object

Dim viewTag As Tag = Nothing
theUfSession.View.AskTagOfViewName(viewName, viewTag)
Dim viewType As Integer = Nothing
Dim viewSubtype As Integer = Nothing
theUfSession.View.AskType(viewTag, viewType, viewSubtype)
If viewType = 0 Then Return Nothing ' it is view dependent in a modeling view

Dim drawingTag As Tag = Nothing
theUfSession.Draw.AskDrawingOfView(viewTag, drawingTag)
Return Utilities.NXObjectManager.Get(drawingTag) ' the drawing it is on!

End Function

Function ReportAnnotationSheetZone(ByVal theSheet As Drawings.DrawingSheet, ByVal theAnnotation As Annotations.Annotation) As NXJSheetZoneInfo

Dim info As New NXJSheetZoneInfo

Dim borderBuilder As Drawings.BordersAndZonesBuilder

If IsNothing(theSheet.BordersAndZones) Then
Return Nothing
End If

borderBuilder = theSession.Parts.Work.Drafting.BordersAndZonesObjects.CreateBordersAndZonesBuilder(theSheet.BordersAndZones)

Dim numHorizontalZones As Integer = (theSheet.Length - borderBuilder.LeftMargin - borderBuilder.RightMargin) / borderBuilder.HorizontalSize
Dim numVerticalZones As Integer = (theSheet.Height - borderBuilder.BottomMargin - borderBuilder.TopMargin) / borderBuilder.VerticalSize

'calculate zone wrt bottom left of drawing (ZoneOrigin.BottomLeft)
Dim Hcell As Double = (theAnnotation.AnnotationOrigin.X - borderBuilder.LeftMargin) / borderBuilder.HorizontalSize
Dim Vcell As Double = (theAnnotation.AnnotationOrigin.Y - borderBuilder.BottomMargin) / borderBuilder.VerticalSize

Hcell = Math.Ceiling(Hcell)
Vcell = Math.Ceiling(Vcell)

Dim theZoneOrigin As Drawings.BordersAndZonesBuilder.ZoneOrigin = borderBuilder.Origin

Dim verticalLetterNum As Integer
Dim verticalLetter As Char

Dim horizontalNum As Integer

If theZoneOrigin = Drawings.BordersAndZonesBuilder.ZoneOrigin.BottomLeft Or theZoneOrigin = Drawings.BordersAndZonesBuilder.ZoneOrigin.TopLeft Then
'origin on left side
horizontalNum = Hcell
'origin on right side
horizontalNum = numHorizontalZones - Hcell + 1
End If

If theZoneOrigin = Drawings.BordersAndZonesBuilder.ZoneOrigin.BottomLeft Or theZoneOrigin = Drawings.BordersAndZonesBuilder.ZoneOrigin.BottomRight Then
'origin on bottom
verticalLetterNum = Asc("A") + Vcell - 1
verticalLetter = Chr(verticalLetterNum)

'origin on the top
verticalLetterNum = Asc("A") + numVerticalZones - Vcell
verticalLetter = Chr(verticalLetterNum)

End If

Dim theSheetNum As String = SheetNumber(theSheet)

info.Sheet = theSheetNum
info.VerticalZone = verticalLetter
info.HorizontalZone = horizontalNum.ToString
info.Zone = Strings.Right("00" & theSheetNum.ToString, 2) & verticalLetter & Strings.Right("00" & horizontalNum.ToString, 2)

Return info

End Function

Function SheetNumber(ByVal theSheet As Drawings.DrawingSheet) As String

Dim sheetNum As Integer
Dim theSheetBuilder As Drawings.DrawingSheetBuilder = theSession.Parts.Work.DrawingSheets.DrawingSheetBuilder(theSheet)
sheetNum = theSheetBuilder.Number


Return sheetNum.ToString

End Function

Private Function CompareZones(ByVal x As String, ByVal y As String) As Integer

'case-insensitive sort
Dim myStringComp As StringComparer = StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase

'for a case-sensitive sort (A-Z then a-z), change the above option to:
'Dim myStringComp As StringComparer = StringComparer.CurrentCulture

Return myStringComp.Compare(x, y)

End Function

Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer

'Unloads the image immediately after execution within NX
GetUnloadOption = NXOpen.Session.LibraryUnloadOption.Immediately

End Function

End Module

Public Class NXJSheetZoneInfo

Private _sheet As String = ""
Public Property Sheet() As String
Return _sheet
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_sheet = value
End Set
End Property

Private _horizontalZone As String = ""
Public Property HorizontalZone() As String
Return _horizontalZone
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_horizontalZone = value
End Set
End Property

Private _verticalZone As String = ""
Public Property VerticalZone() As String
Return _verticalZone
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_verticalZone = value
End Set
End Property

Private _zone As String
Public Property Zone() As String
Return _zone
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_zone = value
End Set
End Property

Public Sub New()

End Sub

End Class

Thanks for your reply,

above code is not working for me may be because of NX11 I am using or class definition or may be because of drawing templet, I am getting below error

Object reference not set to an instance of an object - Line 57
Line 57 is dicDraftingDatums.Add(myDraftingDatum.Label, New List(Of String)({myDraftingDatumZone.Zone}))

below is modified code from above code and Function ReportAnnotationSheetZone is modified to meet my requirement, now how to get zone in sorted order from this code, can you please help me, Thanks in advance

below is code

'December 20, 2017
'Report the sheet zone of the GD&T datum features
'updated June 2, 2020
'create a dictionary object to hold the GD&T labels (key) and zone locations as a list (value)
'report locations of each label found, sorted alphabetically (sheetnum/vertical location/horizontal location)

Option Strict Off
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports NXOpen
Imports NXOpen.UF

Module Module6

Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim theUfSession As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession

Sub Main()

If IsNothing(theSession.Parts.Work) Then
'active part required
End If

Dim workPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Work
Dim lw As ListingWindow = theSession.ListingWindow

Dim dicDraftingDatums As New Dictionary(Of String, List(Of String))

For Each temp As NXObject In theSession.Parts.Work.Gdts
'lw.WriteLine(" type: " & temp.GetType.ToString)
If TypeOf (temp) Is Annotations.DraftingDatum Then
Dim myDraftingDatum As Annotations.DraftingDatum = temp
Dim myDraftingDatumZone As string
myDraftingDatumZone = ReportAnnotationSheetZone(AskDrawingSheet(myDraftingDatum), myDraftingDatum)
'lw.WriteLine("Datum: " & myDraftingDatum.Label)
'lw.WriteLine("Sheet number: " & myDraftingDatumZone.Sheet)
'lw.WriteLine("Zone: " & myDraftingDatumZone.VerticalZone & myDraftingDatumZone.HorizontalZone)
If dicDraftingDatums.ContainsKey(myDraftingDatum.Label) Then
'add zone info to the existing key
'add to dictionary
dicDraftingDatums.Add(myDraftingDatum.Label, New List(Of String)({myDraftingDatumZone}))
End If
End If

For Each pair As KeyValuePair(Of String, List(Of String)) In dicDraftingDatums
'mySheets.Sort(AddressOf CompareSheetNames)

lw.WriteLine(" Datum label: " & pair.Key & " [" & pair.Value.Count.ToString & " places]")
pair.Value.Sort(AddressOf CompareZones)
For Each temp As String In pair.Value
lw.WriteLine(" zone: " & temp)


End Sub

Function AskDrawingSheet(ByVal theObject As TaggedObject) As Drawings.DrawingSheet
'Code written by Amy Webster of GTAC
' see nx_api4936 or nx_api4937
' This function will work for:
' an object which "Resides on drawing" or is "View Dependent In" a DraftingView
' a DraftingView
' a DrawingSheet.View
' Returns Nothing for all other (ie. model mode) objects

Dim theView As View = TryCast(theObject, View)
If Not theView Is Nothing Then
Dim sheetTag As Tag = Nothing
theUfSession.Draw.AskDrawingOfView(theView.Tag, sheetTag)
Return Utilities.NXObjectManager.Get(sheetTag) ' the drawing it is on
Catch ex As NXException
Return Nothing ' it is a model view
End Try
End If

Dim viewName As String = Nothing
Dim status As Integer = Nothing
theUfSession.View.AskViewDependentStatus(theObject.Tag, status, viewName)
Catch ex As NXException
Return Nothing
End Try
If status = 0 Then Return Nothing ' it is a model mode object

Dim viewTag As Tag = Nothing
theUfSession.View.AskTagOfViewName(viewName, viewTag)
Dim viewType As Integer = Nothing
Dim viewSubtype As Integer = Nothing
theUfSession.View.AskType(viewTag, viewType, viewSubtype)
If viewType = 0 Then Return Nothing ' it is view dependent in a modeling view

Dim drawingTag As Tag = Nothing
theUfSession.Draw.AskDrawingOfView(viewTag, drawingTag)
Return Utilities.NXObjectManager.Get(drawingTag) ' the drawing it is on!

End Function

Function ReportAnnotationSheetZone(ByVal theSheet As Drawings.DrawingSheet, ByVal theAnnotation As Annotations.Annotation) As String

'sheet number / vertical zone / horizontal zone

Dim borderBuilder As Drawings.BordersAndZonesBuilder

borderBuilder = theSession.Parts.Work.Drafting.BordersAndZonesObjects.CreateBordersAndZonesBuilder(theSheet.BordersAndZones)
borderBuilder.HorizontalSize = 57.45
borderBuilder.VerticalSize = 56.7857
borderBuilder.LeftMargin = 20.0
borderBuilder.RightMargin = 20.0
borderBuilder.BottomMargin = 26.0
borderBuilder.TopMargin = 20.0

Dim numHorizontalZones As Integer = (theSheet.Length - borderBuilder.LeftMargin - borderBuilder.RightMargin) / borderBuilder.HorizontalSize
Dim numVerticalZones As Integer = (theSheet.Height - borderBuilder.BottomMargin - borderBuilder.TopMargin) / borderBuilder.VerticalSize

'calculate zone wrt bottom left of drawing (ZoneOrigin.BottomLeft)
Dim Hcell As Double = (theAnnotation.AnnotationOrigin.X - borderBuilder.LeftMargin) / borderBuilder.HorizontalSize
Dim Vcell As Double = (theAnnotation.AnnotationOrigin.Y - borderBuilder.BottomMargin) / borderBuilder.VerticalSize

Hcell = Math.Ceiling(Hcell)
Vcell = Math.Ceiling(Vcell)

If Vcell > 8 Then
Vcell = Vcell+1
End If
If Vcell > 14 Then
Vcell = Vcell+1
End If

Dim verticalLetterNum As Integer
Dim verticalLetter As Char

Dim horizontalNum As Integer

horizontalNum = numHorizontalZones - Hcell + 1
verticalLetterNum = Asc("A") + Vcell - 1
verticalLetter = Chr(verticalLetterNum)

Dim theSheetNum As String

Return theSheetNum & verticalLetter & horizontalNum.ToString

End Function

Function SheetNumber(ByVal theSheet As Drawings.DrawingSheet) As String

Dim sheetNum As Integer
Dim theSheetBuilder As Drawings.DrawingSheetBuilder = theSession.Parts.Work.DrawingSheets.DrawingSheetBuilder(theSheet)
sheetNum = theSheetBuilder.Number


Return sheetNum.ToString

End Function

Private Function CompareZones(ByVal x As String, ByVal y As String) As Integer

'case-insensitive sort
Dim myStringComp As StringComparer = StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase

'for a case-sensitive sort (A-Z then a-z), change the above option to:
'Dim myStringComp As StringComparer = StringComparer.CurrentCulture

Return myStringComp.Compare(x, y)

End Function

Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer

'Unloads the image immediately after execution within NX
GetUnloadOption = NXOpen.Session.LibraryUnloadOption.Immediately

End Function

End Module

Above code is working fine for me and need in Ascending order of zone along with sheet number, and also we can export above date to excel like datum label (column A), zone (column B), sheet number (column C) to excel then sort column B and C In ascending order then remove duplicate from column A, whether we can do same thing without excel since exporting to excel then importing after sorting and removing duplicates, will take time, can you please help in resoling my said issue, Thanks In advance

Based on the code that you added, it appears that the borders and zones are not set up on all of your sheets. If so, that would explain the error you were getting. As for the code that you added, the border builder's .Destroy function should be called when you are done with it (before the End Function statement). Failing to destroy the builder within the function can lead to errors in the journal and/or odd behavior in NX after the journal completes.

Beyond that, if you pad the sheet number and horizontal zone number with zeroes as shown in my previous code, it should sort the zone info for you.

Thanks for Reply, I will try to set up zones and borders and check the code, Thank you so much for your help