Creating a point in a certain direction from the first point

I can create a point on face and would like to create another point on the same face (in a user defined direction).

At this point I can create a point on face and get the coordinate of that point and also can get user defined directions. What is the best way or is there any example of creating a second point relative to first point in a user defined direction (X &Y) ?

I can get the face and selected tag point information using the mappoint method as below:

X:1 Y:0 Z:0
XC: 71.245 YC: -0.5 ZC: -20.1918925882324

I am just trying to make user define the Y and Z direction. Sot that the second point w.r.t. forst point can be drawn as defined..


The link above has code for creating points offset from other points.

However, these points are just offset in the X, Y, and Z directions; they will not necessarily lie on a specified face.

When attempting to create geometry with a journal, I'll often start by asking myself "how would I do this in interactive NX?". If NX has a command that does what I need, recording a journal usually provides a good start. When there is no straightforward command to get the result I want; I need to come up with a process to get it and then recreate the process in the journal.

In your case, I don't know of a command (interactive or API) that will create an offset point on a given surface. The first thing that comes to mind would be to create a line starting from the first point and going in the desired direction; project this to the surface, then create a point on this curve using the "distance on curve" option. The resulting point would lie on the surface and it would lie at the desired distance (if you want the distance measured w.r.t. the surface).

If you want the distance between points "as the crow flies" (ignoring the curvature of the surface), you could create a sphere of the desired radius, centered on the existing point and intersect it with the surface. The intersection of the resulting "circle" on the surface and the previously projected line would give the location of the desired offset point.

Yes. Coincidentally I was looking at your Point3D tutorial page as reference. I have also tried creating a line in interactive NX as you mentioned. But as you said, there is no straightforward way in NX to use surface and curves as reference at the same time. But let me try using the examples of the link. I will add here if I have progress on this. Thanks!
