Copy / Paste - reffering to newly copied object

I am working on function searching for an object (which is on first sheet of my drawing), then copying it
to ActiveSheet (second sheet or above), then moving newly copied object to specific layer. However, I have a problem
with referring to this copied object, as I don't know it's JorunalIdentifier property, and I don't know how to get it.
I also believe there's simpler way, like referring directly to object considered by CutCopyPasteBuilder, but I don't know how to convert it so it could be used by MoveDisplayableObjects method. Here's the function, which, without quoted area, copies an object from first sheet to ActiveSheet.

Public Function CopyToLayer(ByVal ObjectHandle As String, ByVal TargetLayer As Integer)
Dim cutCopyPasteBuilder1 As Drafting.CutCopyPasteBuilder
cutCopyPasteBuilder1 = workPart.DraftingManager.CreateCutCopyPasteBuilder()
cutCopyPasteBuilder1.DestinationView = workPart.Views.WorkView
Dim objects1(0) As TaggedObject
Dim displayableObject1 As DisplayableObject = CType(workPart.FindObject(ObjectHandle), DisplayableObject)
objects1(0) = displayableObject1
Dim added1 As Boolean
added1 = cutCopyPasteBuilder1.ObjectsToCopy.Add(objects1)
cutCopyPasteBuilder1.Transform.Option = GeometricUtilities.ModlMotion.Options.None
Dim nXObject2 As NXObject

'>>> that's the line where it crashes: workPart.Layers.MoveDisplayableObjects(TargetLayer, nXObject2)
'>>> I believe I need to convert somehow nXObject2 to DisplayableObject array but I don't know
'>>> how to do this and if it's even possible.

nXObject2 = cutCopyPasteBuilder1.Commit()
End Function

Try using the .OutputObjects property of the cutCopyPasteBuilder1 object to access the newly pasted object. There may be multiple pasted objects, the code below only works with the first one in the selection list.

Dim nXObject2 As NXObject
nXObject2 = cutCopyPasteBuilder1.Commit()

Dim outputObjects() As TaggedObject
outputObjects = cutCopyPasteBuilder1.OutputObjects.GetArray

Dim objectsToMove(0) As DisplayableObject
objectsToMove(0) = CType(outputObjects(0), DisplayableObject)


workPart.Layers.MoveDisplayableObjects(TargetLayer, objectsToMove)

That works, thank you very much.