Bi-directional data flow using NX Open to external program

Dear Sir,

I would like to ask. If a external program is written in a supported language in NX Open (such as C+ and python), is it possible for NX Open to establish a bi-directional communication between NX or Simcenter 3D to the external program.

For example, from NX, user trigger a command to calculate 1+1, this problem is brought to external program, the external program calculate and return a value of 2 to NX.

Is this workflow possible through NX Open?

Kind regards,

If you have the NXOpen author license, you can call external dll's or exe's in the way that you describe.

Also, if you have the author license, NX supports "remoting" which essentially let's another program control NX. This site focuses on what you can do with just basic journaling, so there are no examples of remoting here. But there is an example that ships with NX ({NX install}\UGOPEN\SampleNXOpenApplications\.NET\RemotingExample); or you might find more examples at the Siemens community forum.

Thank you for your advice!
