Assembly File Attributes to Excel

Does anyone know of have a way I can output all the Attributes of my parts in a assembly file into an Excel sheet.

I did a quick search, but can't find a single journal that does everything you are asking for. However, here is some code that will export the attributes from the display part to an excel file:

Also, here is a tutorial on how to process all the components in a given assembly file:

Combining the techniques of the 2 journals seems like it would be a great starting point.

Thanks I got it working :D

By chance do you know how to name the Excel sheet? mine creates a new workbook with sheet1 is there a way to rename the sheet or just create a sheet with the name i would like.


The Excel sheet object has a .Name property that you can read/write. The code would look something like:

objWorkbook.worksheets(1).Name = "NXJournaling"

Awesome thanks for the help.

Is there a program or NX open language list with examples of objects or syntax? I have been using notepad ++ to do my coding but i am not always sure of the syntax, so I usually end up searching for examples and using a portion of the code i found.
I have done so VB in Excel and the excel editor is nice to use was hoping there was something similar for NX that i didnt know about.

If you are using a .net language, I suggest using the Microsoft Visual Studio (MSVS) development environment (there is a free 'community' version available).

Siemens provides some 'wizards' that you can use with MSVS to help your coding project. Once the project in MSVS is setup to reference the NX dll files, it provides a lot of assistance (code completion, warnings of deprecated/obsolete functions, etc).

Below is a link to a GTAC article on the NXOpen wizards:

If you are using an older version of NX (11 or older), the wizards may not work with the free version of MSVS. In this case, GTAC has provided some 'template' code to help get you started in place of the wizards.

I think that will help a lot. thanks again!!