Can you register the NXOpen DLL?

Hey everyone,

I am hoping somebody might be able to tell me if I can register the NXOpen DLL? There is a utility in Visual Studio called regasm.exe. I believe it is short for register assembly. Essentially what it does is, it creates a COM Library (component library) that can be used for Microsoft Office Applications to reference the DLLs in there coding environments. Obviously this would be most useful in Excel. I am not sure if this can be done though. Any thoughts?

Well, to answer my own question after doing some research, the way you would register the dll for use in Excel is to write a class library yourself that consumes the dll (references it), and functions as a COM wrapper and exposes the functionality for consume in VBA. There is in-fact some more information on it here:

I thought I would post the answer just incase anybody else is interested in attempting to use NXOpen calls directly in Excel's IDE. It is a somewhat laborious task but depending on your needs you may find the functionality useful.