Journal Code to open URL from ENV VAR

Hello, I would like to create an NX Journal script, that opens a specific URL, based on an existing System Environment Variable. Is this possible? This is needed because the Sys Env Var will change based on configuration. I know how to create Journal to a specific URL, just not how to read Env Var that launches URL. Thank you.

Example: With existing Sys Env Var:, etc.. Create NX Journal to read "PDM_URL" and open browser in defined URL.

The .net framework provides the .ExpandEnvironmentVariables() method to get access to the value of an environment variable. In your case, it would look something like:

Dim myValue as string
myValue = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%PDM_URL%")

The variable "myValue" would then have the value of the "PDM_URL" environment variable.

MSDN reference:

Thank you! That works well!