access all features in a group


I'm trying to create a script to project all sheet edges from a group of surfaces that are in a feature group onto a surface.

I'm strolling to access the features inside a group.

I know the group name as a string and the destination surface name as a string. Now I'm trying to loop through all the features inside the group, and if the feature is a sheet project its edges.

I was trying to use:

.AskSetFromName to access the group and them use
.IsFeatureASetMember or .AskAllMembersOfSet to loop through the group and project the sheet edges if the feature is a sheet.

But I can't use any of the group functions, i always get a errors.

hope you can help me

The code below shows how to access the features contained within a feature group.

Option Strict Off
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports NXOpen
Imports NXOpen.UF

Module Module2

Sub Main()

Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim theUfSession As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession
If IsNothing(theSession.Parts.Work) Then
'active part required
End If

Dim workPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Work
Dim lw As ListingWindow = theSession.ListingWindow

Const undoMarkName As String = "NXJ feature group"
Dim markId1 As Session.UndoMarkId
markId1 = theSession.SetUndoMark(Session.MarkVisibility.Visible, undoMarkName)

For Each tempFeat As Features.Feature In workPart.Features

If TypeOf (tempFeat) Is Features.FeatureGroup Then
lw.WriteLine("Feature Group: " & tempFeat.GetFeatureName)
Dim numFeatures As Integer
Dim setFeatureTags() As Tag
theUfSession.Modl.AskAllMembersOfSet(tempFeat.Tag, setFeatureTags, numFeatures)
Dim setFeatures As New List(Of Features.Feature)

'get features from tags
For Each tempTag As Tag In setFeatureTags

For Each setFeat As Features.Feature In setFeatures
lw.WriteLine(" " & setFeat.GetFeatureName)


End If



End Sub

Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer

'Unloads the image immediately after execution within NX
GetUnloadOption = NXOpen.Session.LibraryUnloadOption.Immediately

End Function

End Module

hi NXJournaling, how do i access only the feature type 'Text' in a user defined feature group. I need to browse through all the feature group and get only the features from a single feature group of my interest. Im able to narrow down the search to the feature type 'Text' but the journal selects from all the feature group. Thanks, B
