Opening a Execuatable (.exe) file (created in VS) through NX Button

Hello all,

Using Visual Studio, I have created executable to run a WinForm to share updates and operation of new / updated NX buttons I created with our team, which contains mainly videos and pictures. But I wanted to open it though NX Button.

Problem is when I tried to run the .exe through NX: File > Execute > Nx Open > .exe it shows me error saying failed to load.

How can I solve this issue or what I am doing wrong? Please suggest any better way to run the .exe file through NX...

Does the .exe make use of the NX API or is it completely independent of NX?

If the .exe is independent of NX, change the button action to "system command" and enter (or browse to) the path of the .exe in the "action" entry field.

If your code makes use of NX API commands, you will need to sign the code and compile it to a .dll file for execution within the main NX process.

Thanks for the response. The .exe is completely independent. So I tried the system command and hit the button. Now there is no error but a window flickers and goes away. Nothing shows up, whereas it runs okay through VS. Do you have any idea why is it doing that? Is it because of my version of NX ? FYI, I am running NX 8.


"a window flickers and goes away"

Is your program closed immediately after it opens or is it just hidden by the main NX window?

Try creating a button to open a common program such as notepad to see if you get the same behavior. I'm running NX 9 and opening notepad works as expected.

Thanks. I tried opening text file and some other .exe files and those are all running. So I guess I have to work on my .exe file to make it work. Nothing wrong with NX. Thanks a lot for the idea.
